Use Rice Face Mask For Looking Young

Use Rice Face Mask For Looking Young

Most people who want to look younger will often go to extreme lengths to accomplish this task. You are in luck. You no longer have to go to crazy extremes to look 10 years younger because rice can do the trick for you.

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Rice Beauty Benefits

Rice has long been associated with a healthy diet, however, it can also provide you with beauty benefits that you may not have realized. Rice possesses antioxidants which are known to help delay and minimize the appearance of wrinkles and to slow the process of aging. Rice powder is also used in certain Asian cultures to heal skin irritations and to treat acne.

A Rice Mask

Do not worry, you will not be using whole rice grains plastered all over your face to reap the benefits of a rice mask. You will instead use rice water which is the liquid byproduct of cooking rice until it is soft. Here a traditional Japanese rice face mask recipe:

Over medium heat, cook two to three tablespoons of rice in cold water and cook until the rice softens. Drain the rice making sure to reserve the cooking liquid. In cold water, wash the cooked rice. Remove the rice and add one tablespoon of milk and one tablespoon of honey. Once this mixture has bonded, apply to your clean neck and face. After 30 minutes, rinse with the rice water you reserved from before.


You will have softer skin and reduce aging factors such as fine lines. Your skin tone will even out and, in general, you will have more moisture in your skin. Your skin will even appear shiny, bright and more youthful.

The results of using a rice mask once a week are nothing short of miraculous. Make this rice face mask part of your beauty routine and you may just be started getting carded again one day soon.

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Use Rice Face Mask For Looking Young Use Rice Face Mask For Looking Young Reviewed by Dinesh Soni on 22:39 Rating: 5

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