Most Famous Dry Skin Treatment - Dry Skin Tips and Remedies

All women dream of having a healthy and smooth skin with no visible pores or irregularities, blemish-free and with no signs of fatigue. And yet, they devote the minimum time to their skin care. With the pace of modern life we want beauty products easy to use, offering us multiple solutions and are very effective. The reality is that to fix dry skin there is nothing that has to do with age, but it has to do with the right care. There are two essential steps which are cleaning and moisturizing. Just being very thorough with both, we can make our face soft, glowing and healthy.

Each day the skin of our face is attacked by UV rays, cold and heat, pollution, bacteria, lack of sleep that cause the appearance of dry skin, pimples, blackheads and other imperfections. Besides visibly damaging the skin, these attacks induce what is known as oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance in our cells due to an increase in free radical and decrease in antioxidants. Over time, this imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants can damage our cells and cause the skin to become thin, weak and dark and less resilient and elastic. This can also effect the moisture levels of the skin and make it rough. To combat all these problems and fix dry skin, here the best treatments and home remedies.

Use a lotion
Use a lotion that suits your skin type and most importantly, these treatments contain naturally occurring antioxidants that are combined with cosmetic active ingredients recognized for fixing dry skin. Your lotion should be rich in essential fatty acids, natural oils and a formula which perfectly remove traces of dryness over skin. Along with moisturizing properties, it is best if your lotion combines antioxidants, vitamin E and sun protection factor. Protection from sun is also a very important part to prevent dry skin as the sun rays are very much responsible for taking away the sebum which maintains the skin’s softness.

Use right skin products
Use a moisturizing soap if you have dry skin type. Think about it and invest in the best products to take advantage and fix skin dryness. Using the wrong kind of soaps may be a solid reason for the loss of moisture and dry skin. Don’t select soap because of its fragrance. Yes, we’ve all been seduced by the sweet aroma with some lotions and soaps, but that does not mean you actually give your skin what it needs. Search active ingredients such as essential oils that help the process of skin renewal and hydration to soften your skin.

Home remedies to fix dry skin
Dry skin is a great nuisance to whoever has it as it makes it feel cracked and rough. In addition, dry skin type is much more prone to wrinkles, since it does not have enough natural fat for moisturizing. So we are going to give you some homemade recipes for dry skin.

If you have dry skin on the face, it also often happens that skin is more sensitive and sometimes does not react well to chemicals that are in the commercial masks or artificial creams and cosmetics. So a good alternative for this type of skin is to make your own homemade face mask with natural products and get rid of dry skin quickly.

Egg and honey mask:
These two products are easily found throughout the year at the supermarket, so it is a mask we can prepare whenever we want. Honey has antibiotic and antibacterial properties, so it will also help us if we have some acne, although t is best to treat the problem of dry skin. You should mix one egg yolk with a tablespoon of honey and mix them until you get a cream. This mask should be applied on dry skin, especially cheeks, forehead, and the area of the mouth where more dry skin and wrinkles are formed. This mask is mainly used for hydrating purpose and helps fix dry skin naturally.

Mask of avocado:
The avocado is an ingredient with high nutritional value. It helps fight wrinkles and to delay its onset and makes the skin more flexibility and soft. In addition, we are in the time when it is easy to find avocados, so you can take advantage of it. Its high vitamin and fat content ensures that the skin is more nourished and smooth. You must cut the avocado in half, remove the seed and skin from the outside. Its interior is soft which amust be crushed. Mix the avocado with almond oil, until a smooth paste. Applied to the skin and leave it on for thirty minutes. Almond oil you can easily find in a health food store or online and has moisturizing properties which can combat dry skin naturally.

Chocolate mask:
Chocolate, being very rich in antioxidants has great cosmetic properties. In fact, in many beauty centers chocolate masks are applied all over the body to fix dry skin and nourish it deeply. It must be pure chocolate without sugar. This chocolate has to be heated until it melts and must be mixed with an oil, virgin olive or almond, which will help moisturize even more. Let it cool so and when enough cool to apply, put in the drier areas of the face. Leave it on for about twenty minutes and remove. This face mask will not only remove dryness from face, but will also make skin tight and clear fine lines.

Banana Mask:
In the family of fruits we can find great allies for beauty and banana is one of them. The banana is a fruit that helps moisturize the skin and thus it is present in many homemade masks. Take out all the peels and easily make a paste of the pulp. There you can add a tablespoon of honey which is very moisturizing and a spoonful of yogurt. With all this you can make a refreshing paste for the skin which will moisturize and thus fix dry skin on face. It should be left for 15 minutes to work, then wash and get smoother and hydrated skin.

It is important to mix the ingredients well for skin benefits. When we apply on the face, leave the area around the eyes free, as this area is more sensitive and thinner. On the other hand, we can extend the mask to the neck, an area that also needs hydration. You should always remove the mask with warm water and without rubbing and the final wash must be done with cold water.

Tip to cure dry skin

  • Exfoliate your face regularly. Occasionally your body needs to get rid of all these impurities, so at least once a week, spend a little time to exfoliate. This removes the dead skin layer which makes the skin look dark and rough.
  • Know what your skin needs. All deserve a healthy and comfortable skin, but are all made from the same mold; so identify your skin type before choosing your cream. Normal and dry skin should go for deep nourishing products which have traces of natural oils for moisturization, while oily skin type should prefer oil free products. In case you have sensitive skin then better utilize baby lotions for skin hydration.
  • Use of very hot water for taking baths can lead to dry skin. Hence, it is better to utilize cold or lukewarm water to prevent depletion of skin moisture.
  • The quality of product you are using is important. Certain chemicals in skin products can make them dry and damaged.
  • Water is also an important factor for hydration because if your body is not hydrated then how can your skin stay soft. Hence, 7-10 glasses of water is advised for maintaining a healthy skin.
Most Famous Dry Skin Treatment - Dry Skin Tips and Remedies Most Famous Dry Skin Treatment - Dry Skin Tips and Remedies Reviewed by Dinesh Soni on 08:26 Rating: 5

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