Illness home remedies by onion ( onion is natural medicine to cure cold, illness )

ONION HOME REMEDIES the pick of the crop!

Who would have thought that this smelly bulb,that makes your eyes water and your hands pong, could contain substances which can be used for a horde of homemade remedies?

Quercetin is a flavenoid contained in onions, which is a powerful natural antioxidant, a natural antihistamine as well as a natural anti-inflammatory.

Onions also contain sulfur (hence the pong) which is excellent for the skin and is used as really worthwhile acne home remedies as well as for home remedies for removing warts..

It is beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure and is said to help clean the blood and protect us against toxic build up.

Removing a Foreign Object from the Eye


Chop a raw onion quickly. Don't turn your face away from the onion, then let your naturally produced tears do the rest

A traditional home remedy passed on by word of mouth, and it really works!

Onion Home Remedy for Relief of Athlete's Foot Symptoms.


Grate a raw onion, strain the juice and then rub this juice into the affected area to reduce itching.   This should be done morning, noon and at night.

Quercetin found in onions is a natural anti-inflammatory and gives relief to the itching. Quercetin can destroy and inhibit various bacteria and fungi because of its anti-bacterial action.

Soothing of Bee Stings


Remove the bee sting by scraping it off the puncture site, never pull it out as you will merely be squeezing the venom into the body.Crush a raw white onion and apply to the stung place. The infected area should not even swell

Quercetin found in onions is a natural anti-histamine and will relieve the allergic side effects of a bee sting. It is also an anti-inflammatory and will give relief to any discomfort in the area around the sting.
White onions contain small quantities of quercetin, so rather stick to red and yellow onions if its the quercetin you are after.

Traditional Onion Home Remedies for infected sores as well as for Boils.


Heat up some milk and pour onto a thick slice of bread, grate an onion and mix with the milk and bread, mix into a paste and place on the infected sore or boil. This poultice will draw the pus from the sore, and the boil will pop!

The onion has very good absorption qualities, which will help draw the bad stuff from the sore or boil, and the anti-inflammatory properties will help with any inflammation of the infected area.

Homemade Onion Remedy for Mosquito Bites


Grate a raw onion and rub onto the bite area.

The anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties contained in onions will help localized reaction of the tissue surrounding the bite and relieve any allergic reaction.
Illness home remedies by onion ( onion is natural medicine to cure cold, illness ) Illness home remedies by onion ( onion is natural medicine to cure cold, illness ) Reviewed by Dinesh Soni on 15:22 Rating: 5

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