Herbel Home Remedies for Cellulitis ( Cellulite Treatment )

The  skin is the largest organ in the body and subject to all sorts of ailments and afflictions.

Probably (running second to the stomach), the skin is the most abused part of the body.

Skin problems can be very severe and even life threatening, and must be identified and treated by a Medical Physician.

Never treat this skin disease with alternate medicines alone, and always inform your Physician if you are using natural help.

  • The skin provides protection for the rest of our body.
  • It reflects the general state of our health.
  • And should never be ignored.
  • Be observant, note any changes and see your doctor , let him identify the problem and treat accordingly.
  • Don,t be neurotic, use your common sense.

What is the Cause of Cellulitis

  • Cellulitis is a spreading bacterial infection of the skin  normally caused by a bacteria ( found on the skin in healthy people) but which has been allowed  penetrate the skin by way of a cut or injury.
  • It mostly occurs in the lower legs.
  • It normally affects the surface of the skin, but has been known to affect tissues underlying the skin.
  • It can spread to the lymph glands and to the blood supply

  1. Home Remedies Haven is a simple website dedicated to explaining the reasons and symptoms for an infliction in layman terms.
  2. We offer simple, easy and inexpensive home remedies which can be used to help supplement  your Doctors instructions for this problem.
  3. It is not a medical site and does not offer a diagnosis.

Symptoms of Cellulitis

  • There is normally no itchiness.
  • The skin is smooth and shiny and tight.
  • There is quite a bit of pain and tenderness.
  • The area will be inflamed and red with a feeling of warmth.
  • And can also be accompanied by a fever.

My brother-in-law developed cellulitis recently at the age of 82.

As Sam is prone to arthritic conditions,  he  thought that this was an attack of gout, once again stressing the importance of not ignoring the symptoms, and getting yourself off to a Doctor.

Treatment for Cellulitis

  • Cellulitis must be treated by a Doctor and must be treated with antibiotics.
  • Not all antibiotics will work straight away, and experiments to find the right antibiotic might have to be done.
  • The area must be elevated.
  • It must be kept clean and dry.
  • In serious cases the person will be hospitalized and given antibiotics intravenously.
  • Cellulitis is not contagious, but always keep your hands clean by washing with soap and water and do not share towels.

Home Remedies for Cellulitis


Helps in reducing inflammation.   So add the pineapple to your salad or fruit salad.


Garlic is a big favourite with us and can be used to help with cellulitis due to its strong anti-bacterial properties.  Its pungent taste and smell often put us off eating it raw, but if you can that is the way to get the best out of the smelly bulb.


Find a topical salve at the health shop which is infused with Calendula, this will help sooth inflamed skin.


Mix some tea tree oil and olive oil and rub onto the afflicted area, it has  excellent anti-bacterial properties.


You are at risk to picking up Cellulitis if you have a weak immune system .   Echinea can be taken by mouth or mixed into a cream, and helps strengthen the immune system to help fight infection.

WARNING:  People suffering from an auto-immune disease such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, or those taking drugs to suppress the immune system, should NOT take Echinea.
Herbel Home Remedies for Cellulitis ( Cellulite Treatment ) Herbel Home Remedies for Cellulitis ( Cellulite Treatment ) Reviewed by Dinesh Soni on 10:51 Rating: 5

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