Better Sex Life {Increase Stamina of Sex Drive} - Home Remedies for increase sex stamina

Better Sex Life {Increase Stamina of Sex Drive} - 
Home Remedies for increase sex stamina

Sexual activity is a basic instinct in humans and forms one of the most important aspects of their life. However, there are many people who suffer from sexual dysfunctions. The most commonly found sexual dysfunction in men is impotency. It is a condition in which a person suffers from low sex drive and low erectile functions. One of the main causes of sexual impotence is depression. Devitalized condition of the body system is another reason of sexual impotence. There are three different forms of sexual impotence - primary sexual impotence, secondary sexual impotence and the one concerned with old age. While the third one cannot be treated much, the first two can be cured by resorting to some natural ways. In the following lines, we have provided certain home remedies for treating sexual impotency. 

Tips To increase Sex Drive 

We get atleast three to four queries a day on our site about ‘how to increase sexual stamina’. Well, we do understand why. Sex just isn’t about getting pleasure. It is more about giving pleasure to your partner. In order to do that, you need to maintain your erection for longer. Here are some tips to do that:

1.Working out groin muscles — If you often find yourself struggling around with muscle pain the morning after a steamy night of passion, it might be useful to regularly stretch your groin, keeping it primed and ready for even the most outrageous sexual position. Basic groin stretches will prepare your body for a forthcoming sexual epic, so make sure you regularly try out a few when you get the chance.
2. Building arm muscles — Sexual stamina can require great upper-body strength depending on which coital position you’re planning to adopt. It may therefore be a good idea to enjoy the occasional free-weights session, gradually toning up your arm muscles. The odd bout of upper body exercise could really keep you energised for longer-lasting sex. Here are some exercises you can try to get toned arms in 30 days.
3. Staying mentally focused — An obvious one this, but if you really want to make the most of your sexual encounters, it’s vital you don’t let the possible repercussions play on your mind. Avoid worrying and allow yourself to stay focused in the bedroom by taking adequate precautions before you hop into the bed.
4. Reducing alcohol consumption — If your nightly routine consists of downing the odd beer at the local bar,  you may need to reassess your thirst for booze before stumbling home for a swift night of passion. Alcohol can seriously damage your sexual hormone levels.  A few drinks with the friends may help keep up social niceties, but they certainly won’t keep up things in the bedroom. So, take it easy on the alcohol.
5. Improving blood-flow — Before you run to the doctor at the first sign of erectile problems, try and adopt a more natural way of increasing the blood flow to your groin, without the aid of Viagra. By regularly flexing and massaging your body’s central groin muscles, blood will start to flow more readily in that area, allowing you to stand to attention for longer in the bedroom. Here is how you can do kegel exercises and increase blood-flow to your pelvic region.

6. Flexing the abdominal muscles — Whilst your torso may currently appear more of a flabby twelve-pack than a toned six-pack, a little abdominal exercise could go a long way in boosting your sexual stamina. The abs are key to providing bursts of sexual energy, driving the groin by thrusting it forwards and then releasing it. As a result, a few daily crunches or sit-ups could really develop your sex life, preventing you from flopping down onto your partner with sheer exhaustion in the middle of a bedtime romp. So build up those belly muscles and you’ll be feeling abs-olutely fabulous in no time!
7. Loving thyself , but not too much — It won’t make you go blind, but ‘self-love’ or masturbation could certainly damage your chances of making a potent first impression. What could be worse on a hot date than whipping off your boxer shorts to reveal not much at all, really? No matter how desperate you get, try and save your energy for the real thing. After all, sex is a marathon, not a sprint.
8. Stretching the quads and calves — Cramp is a big turn-off in the bedroom, with the quads and calves notably susceptible to sudden bouts of tightening pain. As a result, regularly stretching your leg muscles could seriously heighten your sexual experience, easing them into the demands of flexible sex-ercise. Don’t let muscular pain cramp your style. Work out those quads and calves and you’ll soon feel the benefits.
Sex shouldn’t just be about making a quick entry and an even quicker exit. Instead, if you really want to enjoy a night of steamy passion and appease your partner in the process, it might be worth undertaking a few extra-curricular exercises and lifestyle tweaks to truly reach your optimum performance.

Best Ways To Last Longer In Bed

Worried that you can't last as long as you want to in bed, because your stamina is not too good? If so, check out these sexual stamina-boosting tips to prolong your pleasure and keep your partner smiling.

Free your mind
If you want to last long in  bed then free your mind from all sexual expectations. Expectations put unnecessary pressure on your performance.

Lubricate well
According to a study conducted by The Journal of Sexual Medicine, men who used lubrication in conjunction with condoms lasted longer in bed than men who did not. 

Start with foreplay
Instead of  jumping into intercourse and then getting bored, start with foreplay, oral sex and passionate kissing. Start slowly and you'll end up lasting longer. 

Have sex more often
If you want to great at sex, just keep practising. This will not only make you an expert but will also help build your sexual stamina in the long run. 

Kegels Exercise
Kegel exercise is the best and easiest way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and last longer in bed. Having control over your pelvic muscles, will help you have a stronger erection. You can start by doing this simple exercise. When visiting the bathroom, try to start and stop the flow of urine. 

Avoid alcohol
Avoid drinking alcohol if you want to woo your partner and enjoy sexual pleasure. 

Better Sex Life {Increase Stamina of Sex Drive} - Home Remedies for increase sex stamina Better Sex Life {Increase Stamina of Sex Drive} - Home Remedies for increase sex stamina Reviewed by Dinesh Soni on 08:09 Rating: 5

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