Top Yoga Poses To Stay Healthy and Happy

Top Yoga Poses To Stay Healthy and Happy
Yoga Poses To Stay Fit, Yoga Poses For Stay Slim, anti-aging yoga poses, Daily Yoga Poses (AASAN), Simple Yoga Poses for Good Health, yoga poses for healthy skin, health benefits of yoga poses (AASAN), YOGA TIPS, yoga poses for thyroid health, yoga poses for women's health, yoga poses for heart health, 

Yoga asanas not only keeps you physically fit but also improves your mental health by keeping away from stress and anxiety.

Real Benefits of Yoga for Health and Fitness:
Skeletal and muscular system: It is a known fact that any form of exercise strengthens bones and muscles. Yoga is no different too. Movement of your limbs vigorously or in control eases muscle joints and increases flexibility. Asanas relieves muscle cramps or any accident related pains. As you get into practice and maintain these asanas for long periods, it gradually increases your physical strength and stamina. But it is highly advisable that if you have faced any accidents before or are suffering from any internal disease, take your  doctor’s advice or your yoga instructors.

Digestive system: True, yoga does improve the function of your digestive system. All those exercises for the abs not only burns fat from tummy but also gives a gentle massage to your digestive tract fastening metabolic rate that boosts proper digestion.

Cardiovascular system: Yogic asanas improves blood circulation to your heart and arteries thus allowing proper circulation throughout the body. It is also believed that regular practice of yoga keeps high blood pressure under control.

Nervous system: Not only good for your physical system, practicing yoga regularly allows enough blood and fresh oxygen to travel to your brain. Focused breathing also controls your mind functions thus keeping you away from stress and anxieties.

Yoga Pose (Aasan) for body fitness and Attractive Shape :
A graceful perfectly toned body is every girl’s dream. What better than wear dresses on an hourglass figure and make others green with envy? Let us learn some yoga moves

 YOGA AASAN - Paschimottan asana pose (Aasan ) (Bent knee trunk flexion):

  • Sit in a yoga mat with your legs stretched out in front of you. Don’t bend your knees and keep the palms on the ground beside your hips.
  • Deeply inhale and straighten your spine.
  • While exhaling bend forward to touch the toes with your fingers.
  • If you follow the correct posture, your face should be on your knees. Otherwise being a beginner, bend as much as possible and if you face problems, you may even bend your knees slightly.
  • Take some few normal breaths and with a deep inhalation, sit up straightening your spine. Release the hands and keep them by your side.
  • Repeat another 5 times with the same breathing process.
 YOGA AASAN - Dhanurasana (Bow pose):

  • Lie down with your belly on the ground. Your chin should be touching the ground.
  • Keep hands beside you with your palms facing upward.
  • Your legs should be placed at a 6 inches distance from one another.
  • Bend your legs at the knees and bring the heels close to your hips.
  • Now grasp the ankles with both your hands.
  • Slowly lift your chin, head and neck backwards. Your chest should be still on the ground.
  • Now inhale deeply and lift your legs, thighs, chest till only your abdomen is touching the ground. Balance yourself on the abdomen only.
  • Pull your legs with your hands as much as possible so as to arch your body completely in the shape of a bow.
  • Bring your feet together.
  • Now look up and gaze at a point on the ceiling.
  • This is your final position. Hold your breath while in this position.
  • When you feel a strain on your back, exhale fully and return to your original position.
 YOGA AASAN - Uttanasana (Standing forward bend) :
  • Stand on the mat straight and in relaxed position.
  • Bring your legs together keeping just a few inches distance from one another.
  • Now bend forward and touch your ankles with your hand. Keep forehead positioned in front of your knees.
  • If you are a beginner, you may face difficulty in coming forward without bending your bend knees. So just bend your knees a bit and touch your ankles. Another option is that, don’t bend your knees and instead of touching your ankles keep a block in front of you. Support yourself on that.
 YOGA AASAN - Setu Bandhana
The next pose is Setu Bandhana or bridge pose. This pose can be quite a challenge for beginners. However, once you can manage this pose with practice it is quite helpful to fight against any mental illness be it depression, anxiety or stress.
  • Lie on the ground with your spine erect and hands by your side with palms facing downwards.
  • Now bend your leg at your knees keeping your feet together on the ground.
  • Now slowly lift your hips off the floor while still keeping your feet grounded and hands by your side.
  • Hold this pose and lift your hands above your head.
  • This pose rejuvenates and relaxes your mind.
Top Yoga Poses To Stay Healthy and Happy Top Yoga Poses To Stay Healthy and Happy Reviewed by Dinesh Soni on 07:17 Rating: 5

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