How to Reduce Belly Fat Help With Yoga

How to Reduce Belly Fat Help With Yoga
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation):

Surya Namaskar essentially, is a confluence of twelve yoga positions, each of which has a major impact on the entire body. The forward and backward bends allow stretches, while deep breathing performed during the act helps in detoxification. Practice Surya Namaskar daily in the morning facing the sun for reaping the maximum benefits.

The picture given above gives you a comprehensive and vivid view of how one needs to perform this energetic yoga pose.

Start off slowly, with five rounds, increasing the counts gradually over time. Make sure that you keep a bottle of water with you. Take a sip after each repetition and relax for 15 seconds between repetitions so that you are not worn out.

Padahastasana (Standing Forward Bend):

The abdomen gets completely compressed while bending forward that leads to burning of fat. Thus, the compression helps in toning down the tummy. This yoga asana to reduce belly fat can be practiced as follows:

Stand in Tadasana with your hands on either side of the body while feet rest together, heels touching each other.
Keep your spine erect.
Inhaling deeply, lift your hand upwards.
As you exhale, bend forward in such a way that your body is parallel to the floor.
Inhale and then exhaling, bend forward completely, body falling away from the hips.
Try to touch the floor, with palms straight on the floor, without bending your knees. Beginners can try touching the toes or just ankles to start with, working your way to the floor.
Holding your breath, tuck your tummy in, and hold the position for 60 to 90 seconds.
Exhaling, leave your toes, and lift your body to come back to Tadasana.

Repeat the asana 10 times, leaving an interval of 10 seconds between two repetitions.

 Ardha Chandraasana or the half moon pose:

Benefits: This pose is great to tone your buttocks, upper and inner thighs.  The added stretch on the sides of your tummy, help burn off those unsightly love handles and strengthen your core, helps with weight loss. Calculate how much weight you can lose in a month here.
Avoid this pose if you have digestive disorders, a spine injury or high blood pressure,  avoid doing this pose.
Steps to do this pose:  
Stand with your feet together.
Raise your hands above your head and clasp your palms together, extend the stretch by trying to reach for the ceiling.
Exhale, and slowly bend sideways from your hips, keeping your hands together. Remember not to bend forward and keep your elbows straight. You should feel a stretch from your fingertips to your thighs.

Inhale and come back to the standing position. Repeat this pose on the other side.
How to Reduce Belly Fat Help With Yoga How to Reduce Belly Fat Help With Yoga Reviewed by Dinesh Soni on 08:12 Rating: 5

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